
Sunday, June 17, 2012

1st Grade: Tooth Fairies

End of the year crunch and I was only able to squeeze this tooth fairy project in with my 1st graders at Toll Gate.
Next Year, I'll make sure my new group of 1st graders at Bear Tavern gets to do this project as well.
I saw a tooth fairy lesson on Pinterest that I modeled this lesson after. We talked about portraits and discussed the zillion ways a tooth fairy could look. Boy, girl, young, old. Next, I showed students how to draw a basic face and how to divide a face so that the eyes, nose and mouth looked correct. We added a simple body, hairstyles, toothy grin, etc. and then outlined in Sharpie. Students started to paint when finished. Day 2 was to used to finish painting and add glitter. The homeroom teacher also came in to work on a class gift with students for the 1st grade room parents. It was one of the only times this school year that I used glitter in the art room. It's funny because I never shy away from messy projects but there's something about glitter that gives me nightmares! Anyway, I manned the glitter table where the kids came to add the right amount of sparkle into their almost finished portraits and there was minimal mess.
We were able to critique the tooth fairies as a class on day 2 before finishing them. I will post detailed photos later on...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Umm, a Cupcake?!

I never thought that I would blog about a cupcake but I guess it's no surprise as I am a cupcake connoisseur.
Today, one of my 4th graders named Molly brought in these cupcakes that I think are the absolute cutest things I've ever seen. Simple, pretty and perfect for summer.
-Basic Vanilla cupcake
-Tinted blue vanilla frosting
-Ground up Nilla wafers, Teddy Grahams or you could probably use graham crackers for the "sand"
-Honey Teddy Graham inside of a
-Gummy Life Saver for the "tube"
and of course
-Paper drink umbrellas
-Floral cupcake paper

So cute, so easy and I am sure this will be all over Pinterest..Thanks MOLLY!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Art All Night: Opportunity to Check out Rory Mahon and crew

This year at Art All Night, Rory Mahon (Hopewell Valley's own) and his crew will do an iron pour. I find watching an iron pour to be simply amazing so it's a great opportunity for anyone interested in seeing how heavy duty metals are liquefied in a furnace and poured into a mold. Hot as lava!
Date: Saturday, June 16 @ 3pm until Sunday, June 17th @ 3pm. The iron pour is from 9pm-2am with the iron being poured sometime halfway in between.

There are a TON of events for children, families and then just adults later on. You can also submit any piece of artwork that you desire.

Here's the blurb and accompanying hyperlink for Art All Night:

AbOmInOg Intl Arts Collective presents The Live Iron Pour
Time: Saturday Night, 9:00pm - 2:00am
The Art All Night-Trenton 2012 Iron Pour once again reunites the forces of Art All Night - Trenton with the AbOmInOg Intl. Arts Collective, who first worked with Art All Night in 2010. That year, the crew from AbOmInOg Intl. amazed spectators by forging steel live throughout the night, as one-story-high orange flames enveloped Trenton's urban backdrop. This year’s Art All Night-Trenton festival marks the second historic collaboration between these two dynamic art forces as they once again bring the mesmerizing art of a live iron pour to inner city Trenton. The AbOmInOg team will also be pouring 75 cast iron, fresh-from-the-flames, limited edition medallions that will be available for sale at the Art All Night - Trenton retail station!