
Friday, December 14, 2012

All Grades: A note to you

To all of my students, I hope you know how much that I love you. You are beautiful, wonderful and creative souls. I love being your art teacher.

Today's events are painful with the news of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. My heart aches as a mother and as a teacher.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Grade 2: Klimt Trees

We're making progress on our "Trees of Life" paintings in second grade. I have not taught this lesson in a few years but thought they were in order this fall.
We started out looking at Klimt's "Tree of Life" and then learned how to draw a decorative tree. Drawing the tree can be tricky but my students did a nice job.
We outlined in sharpie and then practiced painting the trees with even strokes.
Next we are discussing the color wheel. Students will pick a primary color to sponge paint their background and then an analogous color sponged on top of that. I will post finished trees in the next couple of weeks!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Grade 5 Art Enrichment: Printmaking Self-Portraits

Grace's block
My early morning art enrichment classes have finished their carved self-portraits and did a marvelous job. I can't wait to hang them up in the hallway next to the eraser prints done with my other 5th grade groups.
Steps: Students used iPhoto and msWord to take a photograph of themselves and alter the image. They transferred their photograph to their blocks and then used the block carving tools, mostly the v-gouge, to carve their lines. Next up was using the brayers and paint to begin printing. My awesome students took it from there mixing colors and creating some really neat prints. The had to come up with at least 4 final prints and a maximum of 6 to arrange in their final composition.
Grace transferring her photo
Natalia working on her drawing

Molly M.
