Two grades at TGG, One grade plus two ceramic murals at BT being produced= clay madness. Kids love clay and so do I so it's worth it.
5th grade: We're making clay rattles at both schools. I love this project for a few reasons. 1. The kids take a simple clay hand building method (pinch) and combine clay forms using scoring, adding slip and a ton of smoothing. Then they can let their imaginations run wild by combining clay to the exterior creating all sorts of animals and imaginary creatures.
5th grade @ TGG only: We had a bit of time to explore the second form of clay hand building (coil) and created containers using the coil method. They actually liked coil better than pinch despite the methodical practice of making coils, adding and smoothing. Coils can create wonderfully strong ceramic pieces.
5th grade @ BT only(ceramic mural): We're getting started on a texture mural using our shoes for interesting designs and textures. I'll post pics soon!
1st grade @ TGG then @ BT: First graders created these adorable guppy fish in one class period. We discussed creating a simple pinch pot and the rules for combing pieces of clay. Nice job kids!
Breast Cancer Awareness "Garden of Hope" mural: As you can see, it's major production mode to create clay flowers and clay decor for our garden mural that will be put up next week.
Mrs. Finnegan stopped by the art room and made two flowers for the mural.
I've been working on the remaining flowers and pieces a bit each day. A few 5th graders have helped out but unfortunately this is a rare time where I am creating the majority of the pieces.
The students are working on curriculum projects and it's actually best to let them install the mural instead of create and install it.
Mrs. Finnegan made these 2 flowers and I added texture to the centers. We're most likely going to use the more ornate one as the sun in the sky shining on the garden. |
This is the empty wall @ BT that will be the location of our Garden of Hope mural. |
update 10/25/2011.... and now the wall is pink.... |