Friday, September 16, 2011

Power in Numbers: Pinwheels for Peace

The pinwheel is a simple item. Easy to make and easy to enjoy. This week, as classes  began to finish their pinwheels, they enjoyed trying to get the pinwheels to spin. Most had to go back and "tweak" their construction in some way or simply had to be patient with waiting for the pinwheels to catch the right wind in order to get the pinwheels to whirl.
When those pinwheels started spinning, the kids were so delighted.
We talked about the power in numbers as it relates to making a visual statement.
If you were walking by and saw a single pinwheel in the ground, you wouldn't think much of it. If you saw twenty, perhaps you would think there was a birthday party going on. One hundred pinwheels would catch your attention and raise an awareness to the fact that a statement is trying to be made.
I look forward to seeing 1,000+ pinwheels spinning in Hopewell Valley this Wednesday, 9/21/11. We will be apart of over 3.5 million pinwheels spinning worldwide that make individual statements about peace. 
Regardless of who made the pinwheels, we all have our own developing or established take on peace. We are all surrounded constantly by negative images and it can be tough to escape them. Talk radio, the news, video games, published imagery, cartoons... tons of negative messages everywhere. 
Our children are so innocent and so powerful. We all want them to understand that they can make good choices every day. I want them to realize that they can use their creativity and artistic abilities to speak to the world.  --->
Below are some photos of a few pinwheels created at Bear Tavern and Toll Gate this week.

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