When I began my art teaching career in 2004, I was a ceramics teacher at a high school. I was impressed by the level of projects that we completed back then.
As an educator, the joy is always in the challenge of creating experiences that are positively memorable. In my quest to make these experiences, I have found that I, in turn, have been so blessed over so many years. In my first couple years of teaching, naturally I felt blessed because of how happy I was to have a great job with wonderful students. As that newness of being "an art teacher!" faded, I began to feel blessed beyond measure.... my heart glows in a way that can only be understood after teaching for a while and in different capacities.
Today as I looked at the ceramic lamps that my 10 year olds made, I felt such excitement for my students and a sense of pride for them that is different than my normal level.
As an Educator, I feel extremely fortunate. I have the best students. Children who I have watched grow beautifully over the past several years. Children who I see the world in and know that they are wonderfully smart and creative and special. Children who I believe in with all of my heart. I have had parents at the schools I've taught in (especially at my current school) who I could talk to for hours and hours if afforded the chance. My colleagues at Bear Tavern make each day wonderful and my Principal is phenomenal.

Through my journey with my students in Hopewell Valley to my experiences teaching at Grounds for Sculpture, camps and private organizations, I just love being an art teacher and am so thankful.
I hope that all of you are counting your blessings and enjoy this American holiday with the people you cherish. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for reading this blog.