Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Random Mumble: Art and Sports

One of the conversations that I find myself having with parents (especially those of former students who are now in middle school or high school) is how special I think it is when kids take a strong interest in both art and athletics.
A self-proclaimed "art jock" in high school, sports have been and always will be a very important part of my formative years and current interests. 
Looking back, I'm not sure of who I would be as a person without soccer, lacrosse and art in my life.

Both taught me a degree of discipline, working hard, enjoying being playful and exploring creativity.
In as much as I had a sketchbook, camera, lanyard strings or cool pencil on hand, I always... Always, always, always had my shin guards and cleats right there with me.
It's exciting to me that we don't have to be just "one thing" and that my students are able to value both sports and art without feeling as though the two conflict.
It warms my heart to hear students talking about how much they love both and a special place goes to my students who take extra art after-school and then change clothes for basketball or soccer practice.
Thinking out loud.
Mrs. Johnson

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